Why do children lack confidence? | The Biggest Mistake Parents Make | FAWA2Z

Why do children lack confidence? | The Biggest Mistake Parents Make | FAWA2Z
Why do children lack confidence?

Think about Children's Lack of Confidence

Children are very weak in this society today. The main reason is the lack of confidence in children. Many parents have a complaint about their children do not participate in any activity or stand quietly in a corner. As if the children are afraid of something. Or the children stay lost at home instead of playing with other children.

What should parents do?

You can be sure that the biggest reason for children’s self-esteem is their parents. Parents make some mistakes due to children's lack of confidence. Parents should correct these few mistakes which will increase the children’s confidence. And if these mistakes are not corrected, both the parents and the child may suffer in the future. 

Do not discuss family problems in front of children

Why do children lack confidence? | The Biggest Mistake Parents Make | FAWA2Z
Family Problem in Front of Children

Sometimes parents fight in front of children and even abuse them in front of children. Or parents discuss problems at home in front of children. All these activities of parents have a very bad effect on children’s psychology. Due to this, the child starts to put himself under pressure and tension Due to which children lose their confidence.

Parents should keep their children away from the quarrel when they are quarreling. Or do not fight in front of them.

Do not compare your child with any other child

Why do children lack confidence? | The Biggest Mistake Parents Make | FAWA2Z
Do not compare children

Often parents and teachers compare children with other children too much. See if so and so has come 1st in his class or see how good that child is in sports. Why aren’t you like that?

This thing affects the child very badly. Parents need to focus on this.

Over Expectations

Many parents want their children to always be on top or perform well in every activity. Here Allah doesn't need to give all children a kind of mental level. But parents' expectations also hit the child’s psychology. 

And besides, when that child sees that he is not able to fulfill the expectations of his parents and teachers, then his confidence starts to decrease. 

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