IT-222 Board Question Papers 2017 DAE Instrumentation

 IT-222 Board Question Papers 2017 DAE Instrumentation Technology.

IT-222 Question Paper



Part B

Time: 2:30Min                                       SECTION-I                                                 Marks: 80                              

Q.2 Write shorts answers to any Twenty-five (25) of the following questions.


IT-222 Board Question Papers 2017 DAE Instrumentation
IT 222 Past Paper

  • 1.      Define secondary instruments and integrating instruments.
  • 2.      Write two advantages and two disadvantages of the spring control method.
  • 3.      Define parallel error.

  • 4.      Write four properties of bearing materials.
  • 5.      Write two functions of controlling torque.
  • 6.      Write four disadvantages of moving iron instruments.
  • 7.      Write four disadvantages of thermocouple instruments.
  • 8.      Make a connection diagram of the dynamometer-type instrument as a wattmeter.
  • 9.      Define rectifier-type instruments.
  • 10.   Write four properties of shunt materials.
  • 11.   Find the internal resistance of an ampere meter. If 35mA current through it causes a voltage drop of 80mA.
  • 12.   Define ohm meter and write the names of its types.
  • 13.   Make circuit diagram of shunt type ohmmeter.
  • 14.   Write uses of Megger.
  • 15.   Make a diagram of the Wheatstone bridge and label its parts.
  • 16.   Make an internal circuit diagram of a single-phase induction type energy meter.
  • 17.   Write the working principle of thermal bimetal type MDI.
  • 18.   Define current transformer.
  • 19.   Write the formula of ratio error for a C.T.
  • 20.   Write two uses of P.T.
  • 21.   Define power factor meter.
  • 22.   Write the working principle of the electrical resonance frequency meter.
  • 23.   Define Synchroscope.
  • 24.   Write any four disadvantages of thermocouple type pyrometer.
  • 25.   Write four advantages of a photoelectric pick-up tachometer.
  • 26.   Define tachometer.
  • 27.   Make a block diagram of digital instruments to show their working principle.
  • 28.   Write the basic working principle of digital voltmeter.
  • 29.   Write four advantages of a balanced bridge transistor voltmeter.
  • 30.   Make a block diagram of a dual-trace oscilloscope.
  • 31.   What is meant by displaying instruments?
  • 32.    Define deflecting force of indicating instruments.
  • 33.   Write the name of three important parts of moving iron repulsion-type instruments.
  • 34.   Enlist four common errors of ampere meters and voltmeters.
  • 35.   Write the belavier and earth overlap test.
  • 36.   Write disadvantages of the resistant pyrometer.
  • 37.   Write the name of some important internal parts of an oscilloscope.


NOTE: Attempt any three (3) Questions.                                                               3×10=30

 Q.2: (a) Define absolute instruments.

         (b) Write seven difference b/w absolute and secondary instruments.

 Q.3: (a) What is the purpose of damping torque in indicating instruments?

         (b) Explain in detail different types of damping methods.

 Q.4: Write advantages and disadvantages of PMMC instruments.

 Q.5: Write the name of different types of an oscilloscope and explain the working of storage type    


Q.6: Define energy meter. Write the names and functions of its different parts.


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