Store Office 365 Data

How To Store Your Office 365 Data Safely And Easily 

Office 365 can store data files in the cloud and users can access these files from anywhere at any time. However, this convenience comes at the cost of not being able to control where your data is stored in the cloud. This means that if anyone gets into the system and gains control over your files they could use them against you without detection.

Store Office 365 Data

In order to keep your sensitive information safe, storing personal files in a secure way in the cloud is necessary. You can easily share files using Office 365 but how do you know that your files are actually safe? Are they encrypted? Do you have full control over them? These questions may seem like common sense now but they were definitely not present in the past. If you think about it, even though people have always been concerned about privacy issues, especially in the digital age we live in today, nobody really knew how to protect their data properly. We did not realize that our electronic devices can be hacked and used to spy on us. What’s worse is that once your device has been compromised, hackers can easily open your documents, view financial records, listen to private conversations, steal identities, etc.

So, let's see some ways to ensure that your sensitive data is protected and out of reach of cybercriminals. Here are some tips on how to keep your office 365 files safe.

Backups are important but can become complicated if you don't know how to approach them. This article gives some great tips that make life easier

This article goes over some simple methods to keep your data safe and sound.

 1. Backups are Crucial

One way to safeguard your valuable data is to make regular backups. There are many software solutions that can help you do this. Some are free while others may charge an annual fee depending on how much space you have allocated for your backup storage. Keep in mind that once you delete the file from your computer’s hard drive, it cannot be recovered unless you have backed up your data.

 2. Password Protecting

To prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files and folders, create passwords for each user account. This way only those people who know the password will be able to access your file/folder. If you forget the password, then you need not worry; just reset the same and lock it again.

 3. Encryption

You can use encryption technology to encrypt your files/folders and protect them from being accessed by someone else. However, remember that whatever data you store on your computer can easily be accessed if you have the right knowledge about security breaches and hacking.

4. Encrypt Your Data Using BitLocker Drive Encryption (Bitlocker)

Using Bitlocker is one of the best ways to encrypt your data in the cloud. When you choose to enable Bitlocker for your Microsoft account, you can turn off FileVault encryption. Bitlocker encrypts each file individually so your data will remain safe even after someone else gets into your system. It creates a special type of password called a TPM chip that stores cryptographic keys in the hardware. With this feature, Bitlocker protects your data even if your computer is stolen or damaged. If your laptop is lost or stolen, you can also remotely wipe the drive.

5. Back up frequently

You should create a regular schedule for backing up your data. Scheduling automated backups allows you to go through all of your devices and systems and ensure that you have everything backed up. Some people like to backup their computers weekly, while others prefer monthly. However, whatever method you decide to use, make sure you stick to it regularly so that you don't end up wasting too much time recovering lost data.

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