Motivation-Kinds of Motives-Industrial Motives-Conflict of Motives


Nature has endowed all living things with a system of effort to achieve their various goals. This system is called stimuli. Due to this, they are forced to move. As well as being a human being, he is also a living being. The number of stimuli in its stimulus system is relatively high. For example hunger, thirst, sleep, rest, sexual appetite, curiosity, attachment, salvation, etc.

Motivation-Kinds of Motives-Conflict of Motives

What is Motivation:

Motivation is a powerful and powerful method by which a person puts all his mental faculties in a certain direction and direction and gives the best direction to his actions and deeds to achieve a specific goal.
In other words, we can say that the system of stimuli is a manifestation of different stimuli. Motive is the name given to the mental readiness or inclination to perform a certain type of performance to achieve a goal. Which creates motion in the human mind and it comes into motion. Which makes achieving the goal easier. In simple words, we can say that mental motivation and tendency is the motivator before doing any work.
A motivated individual feels interested in his work and feels happy or proud while doing his work that is why he finds his work no matter how difficult it is and his work performance is also better. But no movement is possible without incentives.
There are two types of incentives that can be given to motivate industrial workers. One financial or economic and the other non-financial or social incentives. These incentives are considered essential to increase industrial production and to improve and sustain industrial production.

Kinds of Motives:

  1. Financial or Economic Motives
  2. Non-financial or Social motives

1. Financial or Economic Motives

Industry management has to bear some additional financial burden on the provision of these incentives. Apparently, the cost of industrial production seems to be increasing as the industrial management spends more on these incentives and spends heavier sums. But in reality, it does not happen. This is because these incentives increase productivity many times over and increase the quantity of production as well as its quality. Because of these incentives, the working class gets many facilities and privileges. Due to this, they become sincerely satisfied and happy and the industrialists and the industrial management really begin to know their sympathy and well-being.

The main financial or economic stimuli are as follows:

1.1 Bonus Scheme

In addition to their wages, the workers are allocated a certain amount of the gross profit and the amount distributed on a semi-annual or annual basis is called a bonus.

1.2 Compensation Scheme

If a worker has an accident while working in an industrial enterprise that causes loss of any of his limbs, for example, a finger is cut off, or God willing, his hand or foot is cut off or his eyesight is impaired. In such a case, there can be no substitute for the blessings of the human organ. But for the sake of temporary satisfaction and consolation, the industrial management must pay compensation following the rules laid down by the International Labor Organization. This will not only make the affected workers happy but also has a positive effect on the working class. And they are convinced that the administration cares about them. But this should be in addition to medical treatment or medical facilities.

1.3 Pension Scheme

An industrial worker should be provided a pension for old age or in case of disability in return for a period of service in each industrial enterprise. Because the thick blood in the youth involves sincere efforts to increase the value of the production of the relevant industrial enterprise. And in old age or disability, when his body is weak and incapable of any hard work, now the industrial company has to become his servant and issue a pension for his old age. If a worker has performed satisfactory service for at least ten years in an industrial enterprise, then he should be considered entitled to a pension. And along with the increase in tenure, there must be an increase in the right to a pension.

1.4 Overtime Payment Scheme

Industrial workers are required to work in specific and fixed working hours. Of which he is paid. If for any reason the industrial management, industrial worker, or industrial worker takes more than the prescribed 6 or 8 hours of working hours, then the regular working hours should be kept. And all the overworked workers in a month should be paid according to their hourly wages. So that the working class does not have the suspicion that the industrial management and industrialists are exploiting it.

Motivation-Kinds of Motives-Industrial Motives-Conflict of Motives
Industrial Motives

1.5 Essential Group Insurance Scheme

The industrial administration must collectively insure the lives of all its workers. And he should pay the premium on his own. This makes it easier for the industrial management to pay a hefty sum to the heirs in case of a fatal accident or disability in case of disability or death of the worker. This helps the family of the disabled worker or the deceased worker in their rehabilitation and livelihood. And it has a very pleasant and lasting effect on all working classes, how sympathetic their industrial management is. As a result, their morale is high and their dedication and interest in work increases, which also has a positive effect on industrial production.

1.6 Medical Facilities

The industrial management should arrange for the establishment of a hospital according to the number of workers attached to the industrial establishment to provide free medical facilities to its working class. Where the provision of all kinds of medical aid and facilities is possible. The deployment of a complete hospital with all types of medicines and trained doctors and other relevant staff should be officially made mandatory before starting work in an industrial enterprise. This requires that every industrial entity must obtain a permit or certificate from the Industrial Department before commencing work and issue these certificates after inspecting by the concerned authorities when necessary steps are taken. In addition, the management of the industrial enterprise has completed the establishment of the hospital as required.

2. Non-Financial or Social Motives

In addition to financial or economic incentives, the following non-financial or social incentives also bring satisfaction and happiness to the gender and working-class in industrial production.

2.1 Appreciation of Work

Everyone naturally craves to be loved and appreciated for their work. Love and compliments are the natural needs of every person. Every worker wants his work to be openly and publicly praised and praised in public, not for a hefty wage. But work should not be rewarded. Where wages are an economic or financial need of the worker, a much greater and more critical need is the "dad" of his work which is a psychological need. This satisfies his mind and above all his ego and self-esteem and thus he becomes delighted.

Therefore, if the industrial management cannot give economic incentives due to its weak economic condition, then at least pay attention to non-financial or non-economic incentives which are also called social incentives. Giving generously to the work of good workers captivates their hearts and doing so has a double benefit.

The first is that workers whose work is rewarded in the presence of other workers are socially and psychologically bound to strive to improve the quality of their work and if their work is further improved. If they can't make it in terms of quantity, they try at all costs to maintain at least the previous standard (which was given to them in the presence of all their friends and colleagues). This has a positive effect on production, both in terms of quality and quantity.

2.2 Avoidance of Negative Criticism

The attitude of industrial management managers, foremen, and supervisors should generally be friendly, compassionate, and positive towards the working class. Most of the time they have to work through the transit, yes, but only when inspecting them to find out if a worker is doing their job, either intentionally or intentionally. Criticism of the work of such workers is necessary if raw materials are wasted and production is not up to standard. But this criticism should also be in a positive way and where it is useful in a meeting full of praise and praise and in front of everyone, criticism, and denial are more useful in separation.

Motivation-Kinds of Motives-Industrial Motives-Conflict of Motives
kinds of Motives

In general, the working class complains to the industrial management, managers, and other supervisory staff that they unnecessarily and unjustifiably bring bugs into our work and keep on raining on us and scolding us.  While not even explaining how to do it better, it is a negative form of criticism that is devastating.  Because even when we criticize a bad and open mistake of a wrongdoer in front of the people, instead of correcting it, a spirit of revenge is created in it and this is the destruction that comes from negative criticism.  Is born

2.3 Fair Selection and Promotion

For the selection and development of people for various jobs in industrial enterprises, fair and equitable procedures should be formulated in the light of expert advice and experience and they should be strictly adhered to following the rules and regulations.  So that the rightful owner always gets his due in the hands of the industrial management and the management of the industrialists and industrial establishments never complains about rewarding the relatives of the workers and the people who are not appreciated but flattered. 

In order to be selected for a good job in an industrial enterprise or to get a promotion, all the candidates work day and night and work hard and dedicate their blood and sweat.  But if instead of selecting a hardworking and deserving candidate for appointment or promotion, the selection process is done out of nepotism or out of approval, then were hardworking, deserving, and deserving workers will be discouraged, and other deserving and deserving workers will be disappointed.  Workers will also be forced to work hard, avoid work and resort to illegal means.  As a result, the production of the industrial enterprise as a whole will be severely affected.

2.4 Social Awards

If an industrial enterprise is unable to provide full economic incentives to its workers due to its financial constraints, then the management of such an industrial enterprise will adopt a few economic incentives as well as full social and immaterial incentives to the working class.  Assure your sympathy and kindness.

In order to appreciate and recognize the excellent performance and long service of good workers, their self-esteem can be satisfied by rewarding them with social donations and rewards.  For example, every month, every quarter, every half-year, and every year on the basis of performance in different departments of an industrial organization and individually distributed prizes ceremony to the various small prizes, donations, and certificates to the beneficiaries.  Be distributed.  On this occasion, the outstanding performance of the award-winning department or individual should also be briefly highlighted.

2.5 Security of Job

If workers get their jobs protected If not, they will be restless and will be able to concentrate fully on the work.  This will affect production and make it difficult for such workers to mobilize.  Therefore, workers should be given a sense of job security so that they can move around in a relaxed manner and leading to uniformity in industrial production.

Conflict of Motives

Sometimes an individual feels deprived due to the imaginary clash between the stimuli and becomes anxious or anxious. These collisions are of the following types.

Motivation-Kinds of Motives-Industrial Motives-Conflict of Motives
Conflict of Motives

1. Conflict between Positive and Negative Motives

An industrialist wants to join the strike to increase his salary and benefits.  Which is a positive motive.  But at the same time, he fears that he will be known as a good worker.  By participating in the strike (negative stimulus) the impression of a good worker will be lost on the supervising staff and the owners.  And so he finds himself in a state of anxiety and restlessness.

2. Conflict Between Two Positive Motives

An industrial worker works in a field where he is respected by his colleagues and supervisors for his expertise.  However, the salary is somewhat lower.  Now he wants to move to a higher-paid part of the industry, but he also knows that the head of the department and the supervisory staff continue to criticize him verbally and rudely, and immorally.  Occurs.  Here the industrial worker now has to decide by choosing between a positive stimulus of respect and a positive stimulus of overpayment.  Due to this, he is suffering from anxiety and hysteria.

3. Conflict Between Two Negative Motives

Sometimes an industrial worker as a representative does not want to take any action against his industrial management and superiors because he wants to be considered a good worker in the eyes of the management.  But on the other hand, he does not want his fellow industrialists and workers to call him a "traitor" and an "enemy of the workers."  Therefore, in the same conflict, he faces anxiety and anxiety.  The result is anxiety.

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